It’s Going to Take Longer & Cost You More to Use the US Postal Service
There is a ton of debt that needs to be made up in the United States Post Office (USPS) and this Friday is the beginning of some rate hikes and some later delivery times. It's part of a ten-year plan to try and put a dent into the one hundred sixty billion dollar debt they are facing.
Get ready to plan and pay for your mail to be more expensive and to get to its destination later. Packages, letters, magazines, and other mail that will be sent across the country will now take five days to get there instead of just three according to News Channel 13. There are other changes too that will take effect on Monday, October 4th.
Rates for shipping packages will also be getting more expensive starting Monday. There will be increases ranging from twenty-five cents up to five dollars for some packages.
You will need to plan accordingly to send your packages during the holiday rush. The holiday season will be different this year. If you are usually a procrastinator, you will have to get all of your shipments together ahead of time this year. They will take a couple of days longer to get to your destination across the country. But not just during the holidays, you will see a change starting this Friday.
I'm really not sure this will make a dent in a one hundred sixty billion dollar debt. That's billion with a "b". I guess they are doing what they can to make up some of it but I think it would take decades to break even.