January's polar plunge has reached down to the deep south, flipping the script on winter in the United States.

As far as the weather, January is quickly turning into bizarro world. Yes, it has been extremely cold here in New York which is nothing earth-shattering for this time of year. We are used to it.

But when frigid temperatures hit the southern states, it is a rare & unique weather event. And then when snowfalls are bigger than what we have seen locally in New York? It is truly an extreme and unique weather event.

Gulf Coast Sees Once In A Lifetime, Record Snowfall

As a deep freeze plunged across the United States, the Gulf Coast got hit with a huge rarity: a SIZEABLE snowfall!

According to CBS News areas along the Florida panhandle and Louisiana broke longstanding, all-time snowfall records on Tuesday from what is now being called the "Gulf Blizzard of 2025." For example, New Orleans got 10 inches of snow. You know, the same New Orleans that will host this Superbowl in 2 weeks. They host it there to GET AWAY from winter weather!

What makes this even more bizarre is that many of these southern cities and towns currently have more snow on the ground than Upstate New York! If you take a look at New York snow depth maps, outside of the North Country and Western NY, most areas Upstate currently have a snow depth maybe a few to 6 or 7 inches.

Check out the 10 Gulf Coast cities & towns below with more snow on the ground!

10 Florida & Gulf Coast Cities With More Snow On the Ground Than Albany

As frigid arctic air has spread across the United States this week, the colder temperatures created the perfect conditions for record-breaking snowfall across the deep south, especially in areas along the Gulf Coast. In New York right now. many areas have maybe a few to 6 or 7 inches of snow on the ground according to National Weather Service snow maps. Here are 10 southern cities with more snow than most areas of New York as of January 22, 2025 according to Cam Tran at WESH TV in Orlando, FL!

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

The 12 Coldest Days On Record In Albany [RANKED]

Albany has the potential to be brutally cold in the winter. But most of the time, it is bearable and we deal with it - just wear extra layers right? But some days, even wearing all the thermal underwear in the world just is not enough to keep you warm. These are those types of days: the most brutal of the brutal, the 12 coldest days on record in Albany history since 1874 according to weather.gov.

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

10 Largest Snowfalls On Record In Albany

If snow removal were a sport, Upstate New York would be to shoveling what Madison Square Garden is to basketball. Yes, we get a fair amount of snow, but for the most part, it is no big deal—except when we are talking feet instead of inches. These are snow storms in Albany when it was a big deal! Here are the 10 largest snowfalls on record in Albany according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff