Netflix and Chill for Cash
The temperature in the Capital Region this coming weekend forecasts highs around 20 and lows near 10. Time to have a pizza delivered, watch Netflix and collect $500. This isn't a myth, it's a real thing as Bonus Finder is searching for the perfect candidate to inform them of the best Bingeable Netflix shows and the best takeout pizza to help us all through these turbulent times.
Should you be selected, you will watch and review 3 series. Here are some from the list:
You will be asked to judge the shows and pizza on the following criteria:
- Story and plot lines
- Netflix and Chill suitability
- Acting quality and cheesiness
- Satisfaction of episodes and series endings
- Pizza appearance and color
- Base texture and taste
- Topping ingredient quality, flavor and cheese gooeyness
- Value for money
This is what you will receive:
- Complimentary Netflix Account
- Pizza delivery and movie snacks budget
- $500 payment for review content
- Dedicated content on the BonusFinder website for the winner to report back on their findings.
If you are 21 or older click Bonus Finder Binge Watcher prior to 11:59pm on Friday February 12th to enter. If you are selected you will be notified by Monday February 15, 2021. With an official announcement on Wednesday February 17th.
How many times have we said, "This is so much fun! We need to figure out how to get paid to do this."? I play songs on Q1057 for a living so I have figured out that part. Now Bonus Finder has figured out the Netflix and pizza part. By the way, National Day Calendar lists Tuesday February 9th as National Pizza Day!
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