A cute, little old lady in Albany wanted to make sure her home was ready for the first night of Hannukah, so like she does every year, she took out the Menorah and placed it in her window.

When the display was ready to be lit, she looked for a candle but couldn't find one, and was forced to improvise.  Diane (AKA Mama Codes- yes this cute, little old lady is my mom) couldn't find a candle, so what did she stick in the Menorah?  Yes, a french fry.

My sister Sherri texted me on Sunday with a screengrab of the exchange between her and my mom and this is what I hilariously saw:

Photo: Brian Cody TSM Albany
Photo: Brian Cody TSM Albany

So that begs the question: Where did my mom get the french fry to use for her Menorah? Off the McDonald's "Challah Menu" of course!

And what's next?  The "Starch" of David?

She "fried" her best, hopefully, shouldn't doesn't feel too "gelty"

Worried that some people might get a little salty over her improvisation, we told her not to worry.  Most people can take a joke, and as they say "Taters gonna tate!"

A family friend named Gail, who happens to be Jewish, reached out after my sister posted the photo to her Instagram page stating that she fully endorses the french-fried Hanukkah hack.  "If you go by the whole Hanukkah story, we celebrate because the oil burned for 8 days.  French fries are fried in oil so it's really an excellent substitution" Gail explained.

We couldn't agree more! Oy to the World.

Photo: Brian Cody TSM Albany
Photo: Brian Cody TSM Albany

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